Thank you for your visiting of my site. My-Photo-Gallery.Com is a nature related photo blog site especially for plant pictures. These pictures are all taken by myself around my living area and when I tripped.
The following lists are photo lists that are posted on this site. I categorized them such as Plants, Mammals, Birds and Insects etc. So please search your interested pictures from the following categorized lists.
Photo Lists
- Ageratum
- Albizzia Julibrissin, 2
- American Fringetree, 2
- American Holly, 2, 3
- American Smoke Bush
- American Wild Olive, 2
- Amorphophallus
- Amur Corktree
- Amur Maple
- Anise Scented Sage
- Aster
- Autumn Crocus
- Autumn Fern
- Autumn Fire Stonecrop
- Azalea
- Baldcypress
- Bee Balm
- Begonia, 2
- Big Blue Lilyturf
- Bigleaf Hydrangea
- Bitchiu Viburnum
- Black Tupelo
- Blazing Star
- Blue Eyed Grass
- Blue False Indigo
- Bog Sage
- Broadpetal Lily Tree
- Buddleia Davidii
- Bugleweed
- Bumald Spirea
- Butcher’s Broom
- Butter Gold
- Buttercup
- Butterfly Bush
- Caladium, 2
- Camellia, 2, 3
- Camphor Tree
- Cantaloupe Melon
- Cardinal Flower
- Cardoon
- Cast-Iron Plant
- Castor Aralia
- Catawba Rhododendron, 2
- Catawbiense Grandiflorum
- Cavatine Pieris
- Celosia
- Cephalanthus Occidentalis
- China Girl Holly, 2
- Chinese Aucuba
- Chinese Crape Myrtle
- Chinese Fringe Flower, 2, 3
- Chinese Fringe Tree, 2, 3
- Chinese Podocarpus, 2
- Chinese Snowball Viburnum, 2, 3
- Chinese Stranvaesia
- Chinese Toon
- Cinnamon Leaf Viburnum
- Cleome
- Cocks Comb, 2
- Colchicum Byzantinum
- Coleus
- Columnar Boxwood
- Common Pear
- Confederate Jasmine
- Confederate Rose, 2, 3
- Cosmos
- Courtesy Leaf
- Crabapple
- Crape Myrtle, 2, 3
- Crapemyrtle-Delta Jazz
- Creeping Juniper
- Creme Brulee
- Crimean Linden
- Crocus Vernus
- Cucumber, 2, 3
- Cupressus Glauca
- Cynara Cardunculus
- Daffodil, 2, 3, 4
- Dahlia
- Dahoon Holly
- Daikon Radish
- Daisy Drakensberg
- Daylily, 2
- Deodar Cedar
- Dianthus, 2
- Downy Serviceberry
- Dutch Crocus
- Dwarf Cherry Laure, 2
- Dwarf Chinese Holly
- Dwarf Courtesy Leaf
- Dwarf Fothergilla
- Eastern Arborvitae
- Echinacea
- Eggplant, 2, 3
- Emerald Snow Loropetalum, 2, 3, 4
- Encore Autumn Ruby Azalea
- English Ivy
- Escallonia
- Eucalyptus
- Eucomis
- European Linden, 2
- Eurya Emarginata
- Ever Blooming Bamama Shrub
- Evergreen Clematis
- Evergreen Maple
- Evergreen SpiceBush
- Evergreen Spicewood
- False Arborviate, 2
- False Holly Tea Olive, 2
- False Indigo, 2
- Fava Been
- Fennel
- Fir
- Flamingo Feathe
- Florida Anise
- Florida Azalea
- Flowering Dogwood
- Forsythia, 2
- Fortune’s Osmanthus
- Foster’s Holly
- Fragrant Snowbell, 2
- Fragrant Sweetbox
- Fragrant Tea Olive, 2
- Fragrant Winterhazel, 2
- French Marigold, 2
- Fuller’s Teasel
- Full Moon Maple, 2
- Gardenia, 2
- Geranium
- Gerbera Daisy
- Giant Cocks Comb
- Giant Redbud
- Globe Amaranth
- Globe Thistle
- Glossy Abelia
- Goat Willow
- Golden Larch
- Gomphrena globosa
- Grancy Greybeard
- Green Panda Bamboo
- Happy Return Daylily, 2
- Hardy Pittosporum, 2
- Harlequin Glory Bower
- Heavenly Bamboo
- Hemerocallis
- Henry’s Viburnum
- Heteroptyrus
- Heuchera
- Hibiscus
- Hibiscus Mutabilis
- Himalayan Spruce
- Himalayan Sweetbox
- Holly Tea Olive – Goshiki
- Hosta, 2, 3, 4, Hosta-Love Pat, Hosta-So Sweet, Hosta-Stained Glass
- Hybrid Azalea
- Japanese Apricot, 2
- Japanese Aucuba
- Japanese Barberry
- Japanese Camellia, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- Japanese Cedar, 2
- Japanese Chestnut, 2, 3, 4
- Japanese Cleyera
- Japanese Crepe Myrtle
- Japanese Euonymus
- Japanese False Aster
- Japanese Fantail Willow
- Japanese Fatsia
- Japanese Flowering Cherry, 2, 3, 4
- Japanese Flowering Crabapple, 2
- Japanese Flowering Dogwood
- Japanese Holly, 2, 3, Pagod, Shiro Fukurin
- Japanese Holly Fern, 2
- Japanese Maple – Kamagata
- Japanese Maple – Moonfire
- Japanese Maple – Seiryu
- Japanese Maple – Sekka Yatsubusa
- Japanese Mustard Green
- Japanese Pieris, 2
- Japanese Plum Yew, 2
- Japanese Red Pine, 2
- Japanese Rose
- Japanese Silver Grass
- Japanese Snowbell
- Japanese Spirea
- Japanese Stewartia, 2
- Japanese Sweet Flag
- Japanese Sweet Potato
- Japanese Tanbark Oak
- Japanese Torreya
- Japanese Viburnum
- Kalimeris incisa
- Kalm St. Johnswort
- Keteleeria
- Konara Oak, 2
- Korean Azalea
- Koreanspice Viburnum
- Kousa Dogwood, 2, 3, 4
- Lace-Leaf Japanese Maple, 2
- Lamb’s Ear, 2, 3
- Lance-Leaf Anise Tree
- Lantana
- Lantana Camara
- Leatherleaf Mahonia, 2
- Leatherleaf Viburnum, 2
- Lenten Rose
- Lilium Asiaticum
- Lily Magnolia, 2
- Little Leaf Boxwood
- Loblolly Bay
- Longleaf Pine
- Longstalk Holly, 2
- Loquat
- Lusterleaf Holly
- Magnolia Grandiflora
- Magnolia Stelata
- Manchurian Lilac
- Meadow Sage
- Meserve Holly, 2
- Mexican-Orange, 2
- Mizuna, 2
- Mockernut Hickory
- Mockorange
- Monly’s Sweet Blue
- Moss Rose, 2
- Mountain Laurel
- Myrtle Leaf Holly
- Painted Backeye
- Paperbush, 2, 3, 4
- Passion Flower
- Pentas
- Perovskia
- Persian Silk Tree
- Phlox Subulata, 2, 3
- Pineapple Guava
- Pitcher Plant
- Platycodon
- Podophyllum Hexandrum
- Portulaca, 2, 3, 4
- Possumhaw Holly
- Powis Castle
- Prickly Pear Cactus
- Prunus Laurocerasus “Schipkaensis”
- Pumpkin Ash
- Purple Beautyberry
- Purple Coneflower
- Purple Heart
- Purpleblow Maple
- Purslane
- Rainbow Knockout Rose
- Raulston’s Sweetshrub
- Red Crossvine
- Red Holly
- Red Horsechestnut
- Red Hot Poker
- Red Lotus Tree, 2
- Red Spruce
- Red Yucca
- Redbud
- Rhododendron Nudiflorum
- River Fern
- Rose “Julia Child”
- Royal Fern
- Russian Sage
- Sacred Lily, 2
- Sage, 2
- Salvia
- Sargent Viburnum
- Sasanqua
- Sawtooth Hydrangea
- Scarlet Firethorn
- Scouring Rush
- Sedum Telephium
- Service Viburnum
- Shasta Daisy
- Shrubby St. Johnswort
- Sichuan Deutzia
- Siebold Viburnum
- Slender Deutzia, 2
- Smiling Forest Lily Tree
- Snow Drop
- Soapwort
- Southern Magnolia, 2
- Spider Flower
- Spike Winter Hazel
- Spring Sonata Indian Hawthorne
- Spurge
- Squash, 2
- St. John’s Wort
- Stachys Byzantina
- Stachyurus
- Stewartia
- Stinking Cedar
- Strawberry Tree
- Sweet Pepperbush, 2
- Taiwan Camellia
- Tea Camellia
- Thistle
- Thornless Prickly Pear
- Thread Leaf Tickseed
- Thunberg Spirea
- Tiger Tail Spruce
- Tomato, 2, 3, 4
- Torch Lily
- Torenia
- Tradescantia Pallida
- Trident Maple, 2
- Tropical Water Lily, 2
- Trumpet Honeysuckle
- Tulip Tree
- Variegated Boxwood
- Variegated Hardy Pittosporum
- Variegated Solomon’s Seal
- Venus Flytrap
- Vinca
- Vinca Sunstorm
- Watermelon, 2
- White Redbud, 2
- Wild Petunia
- Willowleaf Sweetbox
- Windflower
- Winged Euonymus
- Winterberry Holly, 2, 3
- Woodsman Magnolia, 2
- Woodyfruit Melliodendron, 2