Flowers of Thread Leaf Tickseed and a Bee

Yellow Flower of Thread Leaf Tickseed

Yellow Flower of Thread Leaf Tickseed

Flowers of Thread Leaf Tickseed and a Bee

Flowers of Thread Leaf Tickseed and a Bee

Thread Leaf Tickseed is easy to grow flower just need enough sun light and regular garden soil and you can get beautiful dense flowers in June and July.

Thread Leaf Tickseed is a perennial plant and reaches 60cm (2 feet) height. The bright yellow flowers of Thread Leaf Tickseed attract bees, butterflies and birds well as you can see on this picture.

Flowers of Thread Leaf Tickseed

Yellow Flowers of Thread Leaf Tickseed

Flowers of Thread Leaf Tickseed - Coreopsis Verticillate

Yellow Thread Leaf Tickseed Flowers

Thread Leaf Tickseed

Thread Leaf Tickseed


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