

Buds and Flowers of Bitchiu Viburnum

Bitchiu Viburnum is a deciduous shrub and grows up to 3m (10 feet) height and width. This viburnum prefers to grow in fu...

Flower of Pineapple Guava

Pineapple Guava is also known as Feijoa and cultivated in several areas of the world for it flowers and fruits even thou...

Flower of Lantana Camara

Lantana Camara is annual or perennial plant and grows 1.2m (4 feet) height and width in full sun area. Lantana Camara bl...

Flowers of Japanese Spirea

Japanese Spirea is deciduous shrub and grows 1m (40 inches) height and width in full sun or partial shade area. Japanese...

Flowers of Henry’s Viburnum

Henry's Viburnum is an evergreen shrub and grows 2.1m (7 feet) height and width in full sun or partial shade area. This ...

Flowers of Fava Bean

Fava Been is known as a bean which reached to a cloud in a night in Grimm Stories. This bean also known as Broad Bean an...

Flowers of Red Crossvine

Red Crossvine is a perennial (semi-)evergreen vine and grows up to 15m (50 feet) height in full sun or partial shade are...

Flower of Red Lotus Tree

Red Lotus Tree is an evergreen tree and grows to 9m (30 feet) height and 4.5m (15 feet) width. Red Lotus Tree has light ...

Flowers of Japanese Holly

These small flowers are Japanese Holly’s ones. These tiny flowers are not showy for human but they attract bees well. Yo...

American Wild Olive

American Wild Olive is also called as American Devilwood. American Wild Olive is an evergreen tree and grows 7.5m (25 fe...