Early Spring


Pink flowers of Redbud

Redbud flowers are very showy as you can see on the picture and Redbud is used as landscape and ornamental tree. This tr...

Flowers of White Redbud

This photo is Flowers of White Redbud and they are very showy in early spring. After these white flowers White Redbud ha...

White Redbud

White Redbud is a white version of Redbud. This plant grows about 6m (20 feet) height and width and prefers in full sun ...

Flowers of Stachyurus

Stachyurus is deciduous shrub and grows about 3m (10 feet) height and width. Stachyurus bloom pale yellow cluster flower...

Flowers of Thunberg Spirea Fujino Pink

Thunberg Spirea is deciduous shrub and has cluster white flowers in early spring. This shrub is native to Japan as you c...

Flowers of Spike Winterhazel

Spike Winter Hazel is a deciduous shrub and has yellow cluster flowers (which is fragrant) in early spring precedent of ...

Flower Bud of Lily Magnolia

Original plant of Lily Magnolia is native to China and cultivated in several areas include Japan. And this Japanese cult...

Flowers of Forsythia

Forsythia is a fast growing deciduous shrub and very popular in USA even though Forsythia is native to East Asia. This s...

Flowers of Giant Redbud

Giant Redbud is a deciduous shrub (or tree) and has flowers (as you can see on the picture) in early spring before leave...

Woodyfruit Melliodendron

Woodyfruit Melliodendron is native to China. This plant is deciduous shrub and grows 10.5m (35 feet) height and 9m (30 f...