japanese holly images


Flowers of Japanese Holly

These small flowers are Japanese Holly’s ones. These tiny flowers are not showy for human but they attract bees well. Yo...
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Leaves of Japanese Holly Fern

Japanese Holly Fern is dark green evergreen beautiful fern and good for house plant. It forms 60cm (2 feet) height and 9...

Japanese Holly – Pagoda

This Japanese Holly is really cute. The growth speed is extremely slow and suitable for house tree or Bonsai.

Japanese Holly – Shiro Fukurin

This Japanese Holly is called as Shiro Fukurin(白覆輪). 白覆輪 means white edge. As you can see on this picture, the edge of l...

Japanese Holly

Japanese Holly is suitable for hedge wood because this shrub grow very dense like a box wood. The leaves of Japanese Hol...

Japanese Holly

Japanese Holly is a evergreen shrub and grow very slowly up to 4m in 20 years. This shrub has a habit of dense branches ...
Plant Others

Japanese Holly Fern

Japanese Holly Fern is evergreen plant and good for as indoor plant.