A Squirrel Eats a Tomato

A Squirrel Eating a Tomato

A Squirrel Eating a Tomato

Do you know squirrels eat tomatoes? I often saw squirrels eat not only sunflower seeds but acorns, corns, nuts even mushrooms. But this time I saw a squirrel pick a small tomato from my vegetable garden and carry it on a dogwood and start eating it. And after ate some parts of it the squirrel discarded the tomato on the ground and went away to somewhere in a bush.

A Squirrel Eating  a Tomato 2

A Squirrel Eating a Tomato on a Branch of Dogwood

A Squirrel Eating  a Tomato 3

A Squirrel Eating a Tomato Hanging on the side of Dogwood Trunk

Squirrel Eating Tomato

Squirrel Eating Tomato

Discarded Tomato

Discarded Tomato


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