Male American Robin

Male American Robin

Posing Male American Robin

American Robin is very common yard bird (even though American Robin can be seen most of the area of USA). The sizes of American Robin are a little bit smaller than Eurasian Collared Doves. Mostly American Robins are seen on ground looking for earth warms. Both of male and female have similar color (female is a little bit paler than male color and belly is whiter than male one).

American Robin belong to the group of thrushes and totally different species from European Robin (a kind of flycatcher) even though both of them are named Robin.

Backside of American Robin

Backside of American Robin

American Robin

American Robin


  1. 金澤栄子 says:

    Amerikan Robin見ました。いいね。可愛いね。胸の色がとてもいい。此方はようやく桜がふくらんできました。やっと春ですが、この間から春の嵐が猛威を振るっています。


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