Flower of Japanese Camellia

Flower of Japanese Camellia

Japanese Camellia Flower

This pink flower is a Kind of Japanese Camellia. I took a few pictures for Japanese Camellia, so I post all of them in the following posts. Also you can see more Japanese Camellia posts I posted previous day by visiting following links.

Pink Flower of Japanese Camellia. White Camellia Flower. Japanese Camellia Tree.

White fFlower of Japanese Camellia

White fFlower of Japanese Camellia

White Japanese Camellia Flower

White Japanese Camellia Flower

Buds of Japanese Camellia

Buds of Japanese Camellia


  1. […] can see other posts of old type camellia and Japanese Camellia 1, 2, 3, 4. Share and […]

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