

Flowers of Longstalk Holly

These tiny white flowers are female flowers of Longstalk Holly. Male flowers of this holly forms cluster shape. Even tho...

Flowers of Winterberry Holly

Winterberry Holly is deciduous shrub and has beautiful red berries in winter as you can see the picture of berries. Wint...

Flowers of Henry’s Viburnum

Henry's Viburnum is an evergreen shrub and grows 2.1m (7 feet) height and width in full sun or partial shade area. This ...

Flowers of European Linden

European Linden blooms pale yellow flowers (as you can see on this picture) in late spring to early summer and these flo...

Flowers of Japanese Holly

These small flowers are Japanese Holly’s ones. These tiny flowers are not showy for human but they attract bees well. Yo...

Flowers of American Holly

These tiny white flowers are American Holly’s ones. You can see Yellow and red berries photos of American Holly by click...

Flower of Daisy Drakensberg

This photo is for a flower of Daisy Drakensberg.

Flowers of Scarlet Firethorn

Scarlet Firethorn is an ever green (or semi-evergreen) shrub and grows 4.5m (15 feet) height and 3.6m (12 feet) width. S...

Flowers of Spring Sonata Indian Hawthorne

Spring Sonata Indian Hawthorne is evergreen hybrid shrub and grows 1.8m (6 feet) height and width. This shrub forms very...

Flowers of Hardy Pittosporum

Hardy Pittosporum is an evergreen shrub and has tolerance to salt so often used as a hedge or screen plant in coastal ar...