Sorry for these bad quality pictures of Sharp-Shinned Hawk. These photos were took in early morning before the sun rise. So it was not bright enough for taking pictures of constantly moving object.
This Male Sharp Shinned Hawk just attacked a male Red-Bellied Woodpecker (as you can see on some of these pictures) which has visited my bird feeder for taking his breakfast and was attacked by this Sharp Shinned Hawk.
Sharp-Shinned Hawk is a small hawk and pretty common in woods land area and often attacks small birds which are gathered around a bird feeder, like this time. As you can see on these photos, the size of this hawk is not so big compared to the game woodpecker, he could fly after his game was weak and carried it in wooden area for his breakfast.
この出来事以来、Red-Bellied Woodpecker は全く餌台に来てくれなくなりました。近くには居るのですが…。